Hey! Welcome to my online store. My name is Alec Linga, and I am a digital freelance artist, based in Sydney, Australia. I specialise in creating digital anime style artworks, ranging from fan art to my original works.

Art has been a huge influence in my life since school to this day, and I am extremely happy to apply all the skills I have learned into the pieces I have created.

You can also check out my progress on Instagram or Facebook. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

Thank you for visiting and seeing my work. Please share with your family and friends.


the studying artist


Starting in 2022 I had the opportunity to exhibit at:

  • Sydney Supanova

  • Sydney Oz Comic Con

UNSW FiloSoc

Kicking off 2023, I was the Creative’s Director for the Filipino Student Society at UNSW, involved in creating all the publication materials across social platforms.

Sneak Peek into what it’s like prepping a stall.